Give respect to Peanut for richness of many nutrients.
Peanut is rich in several nutrients including fatty acids, protein, minerals, and bioactive compounds like resveratrol, an antioxidant, which is helpful in the anti-aging process and to fight against degenerative diseases. It is a rich source of many valuable nutrients so good choice for health-conscious people. It helps in combating malnutrition problem because of protein. In defatted peanut flour, the protein content may reach up to 50% which makes it an excellent source of protein.
Nutrients in peanuts are very important to growth, development, metabolism, and immunity. In a nutritional experiment where about 15,000 people had consumed peanuts and peanut products, were found that levels of vitamin A, vitamin E, folate, magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium, and dietary fiber were higher than those who did not consume peanuts. Peanut is also rich in minerals like magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, and selenium.